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PENGUAT SIGNAL l PENGUAT CDMA l CLEAR CAST SC-45 l Penguat Sinyal CDMA l Repeater Antenna l Repeater Sinyal Booster l Cellular CDMA l Repeater and boosters 800MHz l Penguat sinyal HP[8 Feb. 2012, 4:14:59]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Jumlahsesuai dengan Qty
Kemas & PengirimanDus
Product code: SC-45

pengambilan jumlah besar harga nego, call: 08170886364/ 021-27363718

Harga diluar ongkos kirim dan pemasangan

Improve indoor cellphone communication, coverage area 60-200 m2
Reduce radiation from cellphone, helpful for human health
Built-in AGC circuit, free of interference
Unique LED level indicators, easy to find base station
Extend lifespan of celluler phone battery
DIY kit, adequate accessories included, easy to install
CDMA 800 MHz
Technology : CDMA
Interface Amplifier
Frequency : Uplink 824-849 MHz, Downlink 869-894 MHz
Dimension : H : 3.8 cm
W : 10.5 cm
D : 16 cm
Bandwidth : 25 MHz
VSWR : d2.0 : 1
Gain Uplink 45 dB, Downlink 45 dB ( opt)
Gain Variation Over Freq. And Temp. : ï ¿ ½ 3 dB
Noise Figure : Uplink 8.0 dB, Downlink 8.0 dB
OICP-3 : Uplink 34 dBm, Downlink 20 dBm
P 1 dB : Uplink 26 dBm, Downlink 12 dBm
VSWR : d 2.0 : 1
RF Power Output : Uplink 17 dBm, Downlink 3 dBm
AGC Dynamic Range : 20 dB ( Typ)
Level Indicator : 5 color LED indicators : Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue
Power Consumption : 7 Watt
RF Connector : Outdoor ANT side : F( F)
Indoor ANT side : TNC ( F)

info hub :
Indah/ Cici
Telp : ( 021) 27363718 / 021-99846945/ 08170886364/ 021-74637308
YM: optimacel/ optimatel
Email : optimacel@
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