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WATERBATH MEMMERT[12 Feb. 2012, 21:35:27]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & Pengiriman1 UNIT
Negara AsalJerman

* Temperature range up to + 95C ( with Peltier cooling unit CDP 115 from + 10 ' C)
* 6 model sizes ( 7L to 45L )
* An extensive range of optional accessories is available: e.g. a Peltier cooling unit, flat or gable lid, shaking device, floor grid, test tube rack
* State-of-the-art control technology of the Basic and Excellent performance classes for all models
* Can be optionally equipped with water level control
* microprocessor PID-temperature controller with integrated autodiagnostic system with fault indicator
* solid state switching unit
* one Pt100 sensor class A in 4-wire-circuit
* integrated digital timer from 1 min. to 99, 59 hours for:
ON continuous operation
WAIT ( delayed on for continuous and limited timed operation)
* digital display ( LED) of set and actual temperature ( 0, 1' C resolution) and of ( remaining) programme time
* LEDs for indication of programme status

Temperature Range :
* from + 10 ' C ( however, at least 5 ' C above ambient) up to + 95 C with additional boiling mode ( + 100 ' C)

Voltage / Power Rating

* 230 V ( + / - 10% ) , 50/ 60 Hz
* ca. 1.800 W ( during heating)

Model :
WNB 10
WNB 14
WNB 22
WNB 45
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