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Jl Jamin Ginting No 6
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Citric Acid Rgt PP 10 ml sample 100/ pk 21.80 Ready 21062-69
Free Chlorine, 10 ml, 100/ pk 22.80 Ready 21055-69
Hydrazin Hydraver 2 100 ml 20.00 Ready 1790-32
Kit, Sample Filtration & Degassing 85.00 Indent 43975-10
Phosver 3 Phosphate, 10 ml, 100/ pk 31.30 Ready 21060-69
Pipet Tipis: 0.1-1.0 ml; non Sterile 20.00 Indent 21856-96
Pour-Thru Cell Kit, 1 Inch Netto 1, 450.00 Netto LZV479
Silicon Oil 15 ml 12.00 Indent 1269-36
Stopper 11.00 Indent 1731-06
0.001M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL 2974226
0.001M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL 2974249
0.01M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL 2974326
0.01M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL 2974349
0.1M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL 2974426
0.1M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL 2974449
1000 µ S/ cm Conductivity Standard; 491 mg/ L NaCl, 100 mL 1440042
18, 000 µ S/ cm Conductivity Standard; 10, 246 mg/ L NaCl; 100 mL 2307442
180 µ S/ cm Conductivity Standard; 85.47 mg/ L NaCl, 100 mL 2307542
1990 µ S/ cm Conductivity Standard; ( 995 mg/ L TDS, 1000 mg/ L NaCl) , 100 mL 210542
1990 µ S/ cm Conductivity Standard; ( 995 mg/ L TDS, 1000 mg/ L NaCl) , 1L 210553
200 mV ORP Solution, 1L 25M2A1001-119
200 mV ORP Solution, 3.5L 25M2A1001-123
200 mV ORP Solution, 500ML 25M2A1001-115
5 in 1 Water Quality Test Strips, 50 tests 2755250
53, 000 µ S/ cm Conductivity Standard, 35.0 ppt salinity, Bottle/ 500 mL 2714349
600 mV ORP Solution, 1L 25M2A1002-119
600 mV ORP Solution, 3.5L 25M2A1002-123
600 mV ORP Solution, 500ML 25M2A1002-115
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, panel mount 9001600
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit 9000800
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, with enclosure 9000400
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit 9001200
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, panel mount 9001700
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit 9000900
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, with enclosure 9000500
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit 9001300
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, panel mount 9000200
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit 9001000
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, with enclosure 9000600
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit 9001400
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, panel mount 9000300
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit 9001900
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, with enclosure 9000700
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit 9001500
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer ( 0 to 10, 000 ppb) with Enclosure, Universal 6849400
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer ( 0 to 10, 000 ppb) , Panel Mount, Universal 6849500
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer ( 0 to 200 ppm) , Panel Mount, Universal with Cation Kit 6858000
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer ( 0 to 200ppm) with Enclosure/ Cation Kit, Universal 6858010
A-1 Medium Broth MPN Tubes for Coliform Bacteria, Fecal, pk/ 15 2560915
Acetate Buffer Solution, pH 4.0, 100 mL 1490932
Acetic Acid, Glacial, 500 mL 10049
Acetone 4 L 1442917
Acetone, 500 mL 1442949
Acid Electrode Cleaning Solution, 50 mL Bottle 2975126
Acid Electrode Cleaning Solution, 500 mL Bottle 2975149
Acid Reagent Powder Pillow for 25ML Samples, PK/ 100 104299
Acid Reagent Powder Pillow for 25ML Samples, PK/ 100 104299
Acid Reagent Powder Pillow for 25ML Samples, PK/ 100  104299
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows 100 tests 212699
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows 100 tests 212699
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows 100 tests  212699
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10 mL sample, pk/ 1000 2107428
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10 mL sample, pk/ 1000 2107428
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10mL sample, pk/ 100 2107469
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10mL sample, pk/ 100 2107469
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 5 mL sample, pk/ 100 1454599
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 5 mL sample, pk/ 100 1454599
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows, 25 mL sample, pk/ 1000 104228
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows, 25 mL sample, pk/ 1000 104228
Acidity Reagent Sets, 100/ tests 2272800
Acidity Reagent Sets, 100/ tests 2272800
Acridine Orange Broth, Glass Ampules pk/ 20 2375620
Advanced Starter Package, Drinking Water Facilities and Distribution Systems - Chloramines 2507800
Advanced Starter Package, Drinking Water Facilities and Distribution Systems - Chloramines  2507800
Advanced Starter Package, Wastewater 2508400
Alachlor in Water, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit 2812900
Alachlor in Water, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  2812900
Alkali Solution 100 mL MDB 2241732
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent 500 mL 2122349
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent, 100 mL, Measured Dropping Bottle 2122332
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent, 50 mL, Self-Contained Dropping Bottle 2122326
Alkaline Iodide Reagent 500 mL 27649
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent 500 mL 27749
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent, Powder Pillows, pk/ 50 107266
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent, Powder Pillows, pk/ 50 107266
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 4.50, 50 mL sample, pk/ 25 Powder Pillows 89568
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 4.50, 50 mL sample, pk/ 25 Powder Pillows 89568
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 8.30, 50 mL sample, pk/ 25 Powder Pillows 89868
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 8.30, 50 mL sample, pk/ 25 Powder Pillows 89868
Alkalinity Reagent Set, for AL/ DT Alkalinity Digital Titrator Test Kit 2271900
Alkalinity Reagent Set, for AL/ DT Alkalinity Digital Titrator Test Kit  2271900
Alkalinity Standard Solution as Na2CO3 ( NIST) , 25, 000 mg/ L as CaCO3, pk/ 16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule 1427810
Aluminum Reagent Set, 0-0.220 mg/ L, 25 mL sample, ECR method, for use with DR/ 2000 Spectrophotometer 2443400
Aluminum Reagent Set, 0-0.220 mg/ L, 25 mL sample, ECR method, for use with DR/ 2000 Spectrophotometer  2443400
Aluminum Reagent Set, AluVer® 3, 100/ test 2242000
Aluminum Reagent Set, AluVer® 3, 100/ test 2242000
Aluminum Reagent Set, AluVer® 3, 100/ test  2242000
Aluminum Reagent Set, Eriochrome Cyanine R ( ECR) Method, 10 mL sample, 100 tests 2603700
Aluminum Reagent Set, Eriochrome Cyanine R ( ECR) Method, 10 mL sample, 100 tests  2603700
Aluminum Reagent, AluVer® 3, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1429099
Aluminum Reagent, AluVer® 3, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1429099
Aluminum Standard Solutions as Al ( NIST) , 10 mg/ L, Bottle/ 100 mL 2305842
Aluminum Standard Solutions as Al ( NIST) , 100 mg/ L, Bottle/ 100 mL 1417442
Aluminum Standard Solutions as Al ( NIST) , 50 mg/ L, pk/ 16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampules ( NIST) 1479210
Aluminum TNTplus ( 0.02-0.50 mg/ L) , 24 Tests TNT848
Aluminum, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit 5870025
Amino Acid F Dilution Solvent, for Rapid Liquid Silica, 475 mL 2353011
AMINO ACID F PP 25ML PK/ 1000 2253828
Amino Acid F Reagent for Silica Analysis ( 2.9 L) 2353103
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillows for 25mL Sample, PK/ 100 2253869
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillows for 25mL Sample, PK/ 100 2253869
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 ( for silica analysis) 2254069
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 ( for silica analysis) 2254069
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder, for Rapid Liquid Silica, 55 g 2651155
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 100mL 2386442
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 100ml MDB 2386432
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 100mL  2386442
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 20 Ampules ( for ultra low range silica analysis) 2386420
Amino Acid F Rgt PP, 10 ml, 100/ pk 20.60 Ready 22540-69
Amino Acid Reagent 100 tests 193432
Amino Acid Reagent 500 mL 193449
Amino Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for LR Silica , 25 mL, pk/ 1000, 80428
Amino Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for LR Silica , 25 mL, pk/ 1000, 80428
Amino Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for LR Silica, 25 mL sample, pk/ 100 80499
Amino Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for LR Silica, 25 mL sample, pk/ 100 80499
Ammonia ( Nitrogen) Test Strips, 0-6.0 mg/ L, 25 tests 2755325
Ammonia ( Nitrogen) Test Strips, 0-6.0 mg/ L, 25 tests 2755325
AMMONIA 1 Reagent, 10 mL sample, PK/ 100 Powder Pillows 2106469
AMMONIA 1 Reagent, 10 mL sample, PK/ 100 Powder Pillows 2106469
Ammonia 2 Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2106569
Ammonia 2 Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2106569
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2653199
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2653199
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2653199
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows  2653199
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395466
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395466
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395566
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395466
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395566
Ammonia Electrode Filling Solution, 50 mL 4447226
Ammonia Electrode Storage Solution, 50 ml, 2541259
Ammonia Electrode Storage Solution, 500 mL 2541249
Ammonia Ionic Strength Adjustor, Bottle/ 500 mL 2824349
Ammonia Ionic Strength Adjustor, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 4447169
Ammonia Ionic Strength Adjustor, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 4447169
Ammonia ISE Analysis Package 2348700
Ammonia Nitrogen 1 Solution, 25 mL SCDB 1455523
Ammonia Nitrogen Cube, 00.8 mg/ L, fresh water 2268400
Ammonia Nitrogen Cube, 02.5 mg/ L 1250700
Ammonia Reagent 1 Powder Pillows, pk/ 100 2073549
Ammonia Reagent 1 Powder Pillows, pk/ 100 2073549
Ammonia Reagent 2, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2071649
Ammonia Reagent 2, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2071649
Ammonia Reagent Set, Cube Kit 2266910
Ammonia Reagent Set, Cube Kit  2266910
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2653299
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2653299
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2653299
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows  2653299
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 5 mL sample, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395266
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 5 mL sample, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395266
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 5 mL sample, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395266
Ammonia Salicylate, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395366
Ammonia Salicylate, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows 2395366
Ammonia Standard Solution, N 1000 mg/ L, Bottle/ 1 L 2354153
Ammonia Standard Solution, NH3-N 150 mg/ L, 16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule for TKN 2128410
Ammonia Standard Solution, NH3-N 150 mg/ L, 16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule for TKN 2128410
Ammonia TNTplus, High Range ( 2-47 mg/ L NH3-N) , 25 tests TNT832
Ammonia TNTplus, Low Range ( 1-12 mg/ L NH3-N) , 25 tests TNT831
Ammonia TNTplus, Ultra Low Range ( 0.015-2 mg/ L NH3-N) , 25 tests TNT830
Ammonia, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit 5870040
Ammonium Chloride 454 g 10501H
Ammonium Hydroxide 2.5 L 10604
Ammonium Hydroxide 500 mL 10649
Ammonium Hydroxide, 10% 100 mL MDB 1473632
Ammonium Hydroxide, 10% 500 mL 1473649
Ammonium Hydroxide, 500 ml 106-49
Ammonium Molybdate Reagent, 100 mL 11032H
Ammonium Molybdate Reagent, Bottle/ 100 mL MDB 193332
Ammonium p-Toluenesulfonic Acid, 25 g 2277924
Ammonium Sulfate Reference Cartridges 2597102
Ampule Breaker Kit, Voluette® Ampules 2196800
Amtax Expulsion Solution 237 mL 2825431
Amtax Expulsion Solution 237 mL  2825431
Amtax reagent kit, 0.2-12.0 mg/ L 2830700
Amtax reagent kit, 20-1200 mg/ L 2830900
Amtax reagent kit, 2-120 mg/ L 2830800
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/ l NH4-N, 115V, 10m Filter Probe sc 6157300
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/ l NH4-N, 115V, 5m Filter Probe sc 6157200
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/ l NH4-N, 230V, 10m Filter Probe sc 6157100
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/ l NH4-N, 230V, 5m Filter Probe sc 6157000
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/ l NH4-N, One Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V 6157400
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/ l NH4-N, Two Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V 6157500
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/ l NH4-N, 115V, 10m Filter Probe sc 6158500
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/ l NH4-N, 115V, 5m Filter Probe sc 6158400
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/ l NH4-N, 230V, 10m Filter Probe sc 6158300
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/ l NH4-N, 230V, 5m Filter Probe sc 6158200
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/ l NH4-N, One Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V 6158600
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/ l NH4-N, Two Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V 6158700
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/ l NH4-N, 115V, 10m Filter Probe sc 6157900
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/ l NH4-N, 115V, 5m Filter Probe sc 6157800
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/ l NH4-N, 230V, 10m Filter Probe sc 6157700
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/ l NH4-N, 230V, 5m Filter Probe sc 6157600
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/ l NH4-N, One Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V 6158000
AMTAX( TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/ l NH4-N, Two Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V 6158100
ANATEL A643a, Portable TOC Analyzer with UV Detect FG1002801-UV
ANATEL A643a, Stationary TOC Analyzer with UV Detect FG1002701-UV
ANATEL TOC600, TOC Analyzer FG1100600
Anionic Surfactant Solution 2.9 L 2375503
APA 6000 Alkalinity Analyzer 5100010
APA 6000 Alkalinity Reagent 1, 1-L 2826153
APA 6000 Alkalinity Reagent 2, Indicator Solution, 1 L 2696653
APA 6000 Alkalinity Standard 1, Zero Standard, 1L 2696753
APA 6000 Alkalinity Standard 2, 500 mg/ L, 1-L 2826253
APA 6000 Ammonia and Monochloramine Analyzer 5500610
APA 6000 Copper Reagent 1, Buffer, 1L bottle 2755953
APA 6000 Copper Reagent 2, Indicator, 1L bottle 2756053
APA 6000 High Range Copper Analyzer 5100510
APA 6000 High Range Hardness Analyzer 6200010
APA 6000 Low Range Ammonia Analyzer 5501710
APA 6000 Low Range Copper Analyzer 5100610
APA 6000 Low Range Hardness Analyzer 5100210
APA 6000 Reagent 1, Alaklinity Acid Solution, 1L 2696553
APA Hardness Reagent 1, Indicator Solution, 1L 2695853
APA Hardness Reagent 2, Buffer Solution, 1 L 2695753
APA RGT 1 ISA SOLN, 1L 2697153
Arsenic Standard Solution as As, 1000 mg/ L, Bottle/ 100 mL 1457142
Ascorbic Acid Reagent Package ( 2.9L) 2600303
Ascorbic Acid Reagent Set, 2439300
Ascorbic Acid Reagent Set,   2439300
Ascorbic Acid, pk/ 100, Powder Pillows 1457799
Ascorbic Acid, pk/ 100, Powder Pillows 1457799
Ascorbic Acid, pk/ 100, Powder Pillows  1457799
Atrazine, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit 2763500
Atrazine, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  2763500
Barium Reagent, BariVer® 4, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1206499
Barium Standard Solutions as Ba ( NIST) , 1000 mg/ L, 100 mL 1461142
BART TESTER, IRB PK/ 9 2432309
BART TESTER, N PK/ 7 2619407
BART TESTER, SRB PK/ 9 2432409
Basic pH ( General) Field kit LPV2550T.97.00
Basic Starter Package, Distribution Systems - Chloramines 2508300
Basic Starter Package, Distribution Systems - Chloramines  2508300
Basic Starter Package, Distribution Systems - Free Chlorine 2508200
Basic Starter Package, Drinking Water - Chloramines 2508100
Basic Starter Package, Drinking Water - Chloramines  2508100
Basic Starter Package, Drinking Water - Free Chlorine 2507900
Basic Starter Package, Drinking Water - Free Chlorine  2507900
Basic Starter Package, Wastewater 2508500
BENZENE, ACS 4L 1444017
Benzene, Bottle/ 500 mL 1444049
Benzotriazole Standard Solution ( NIST) , 500 mg/ L, Bottle/ 100 mL 2141342
Blank AccuVac® Ampules, pk/ 25 2677925
Bleaching 3 Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1429449
Bleaching 3 Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1429449
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 19 liter, 25/ pk 1486398
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 19 liter, 25/ pk 1486398
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 3 liter, 50/ pk 1486166
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 3 liter, 50/ pk 1486166
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 300 mL, 50/ pk 1416066
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 300 mL, 50/ pk 1416066
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 4 liter, 50/ pk 2436466
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 4 liter, 50/ pk 2436466
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 6 liter, 50/ pk 1486266
BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows, 6 liter, 50/ pk 1486266
BOD Seed Inoculum, POLYSEED, 50 capsules/ pk 2918700
BOD Standard Solutions, 300 mg/ L, pk/ 16 - 10-mL Voluette® Ampule 1486510
BOD Standard Solutions, 3000 mg/ L, pk/ 16 - 10-mL Voluette® Ampule 1486610
BODTrak II Reagent Set with Bottles 2952440
BODTrak II Reagent Set with Bottles  2952440
Borate Buffer Solution, 1 L 1470953
Boric Acid Solution ( Indicating) , 1 L 2339053
Boric Acid. pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1481799
Boron Standard Solutions as B ( NIST) , 1000 mg/ L, 100 mL 191442
BoroVer® 3 Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1417099
BoroVer® 3 Reagent, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1417099
Bottle Carrier, Linear 2094300
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, Round, 12/ pk 2495012
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, Round, 12/ pk  2495012
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, Round, 50/ pk 2495050
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, Round, 50/ pk  2495050
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, with Dechlorinating Agent, 12/ pk 2599112
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, with Dechlorinating Agent, 12/ pk  2599112
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, with Dechlorinating Agent, 50/ pk 2599150
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, with Dechlorinating Agent, 50/ pk  2599150
Bottle, Storage, Glass, Reagent, 125 mL 1477143
Bottle, Storage, Glass, Reagent, 250 mL 1477146
Bottle, Storage, Glass, Reagent, 500 mL 1477149
Bromcresol Green - Methyl Red Indicator, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 94399
Bromcresol Green - Methyl Red Indicator, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 94399
Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB 2329232
Bromcresol Purple Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB 25432
Bromine Water, 29 mL 221120
Bromine, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit 5870001
Bromphenol Blue Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB 1455232
Bromphenol Blue Indicator, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1455099
Bromphenol Blue Indicator, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1455099
Bromthymol Blue Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB 25532
Bromthymol Blue Indicator, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2067299
Bromthymol Blue Indicator, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2067299
Buffer pH 6.00, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows ( color coded red) ( NIST) 1405566
Buffer pH 6.00, pk/ 50 Powder Pillows ( color coded red) ( NIST) 1405566
Buffer pH 6.86, pk/ 15 Powder Pillows ( color coded red) ( NIST) 1409895
Buffer pH 6.86, pk/ 15 Powder Pillows ( color coded red) ( NIST) 1409895
Buffer pH 9.00, pk/ 15 Powder Pillows ( color coded yellow) ( NIST) 1410766
Buffer pH 9.00, pk/ 15 Powder Pillows ( color coded yellow) ( NIST) 1410766
BUFFER SOLN 0.3, 1, 2, 5MG/ L HDNS 500ML 2768549
Buffer Solution Pillows for Manganese Citrate Type, 25 mL sample, pk/ 100 98399
Buffer Solution Pillows for Manganese Citrate Type, 25 mL sample, pk/ 100 98399
Buffer Solution, for Heavy Metals Citrate Type, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1420299
Buffer Solution, for Heavy Metals Citrate Type, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 1420299
Buffer Solution, for Iron Citrate Type, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2081599
Buffer Solution, for Iron Citrate Type, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2081599
Buffer Solution, for Manganese Citrate Type, cold periodate method, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2107669
Buffer Solution, for Manganese Citrate Type, cold periodate method, 10 mL sample, pk/ 100 Powder Pillows 2107669
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